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TIES Trauma Informed Educator Skills

CCP launched a Trauma Informed Educator Skills (TIES) program in 2014 after successfully using the principles with Wisconsin foster care parents at Community Care Resources case managers and psychotherapists. We are pleased to share the model and strategies with educators working to create trauma sensitive schools. Linking with educators provides trauma sensitive, just-in-time interventions for classroom use.
TIES instructors travel to the school site and work directly with classroom teachers, school counselors and administrative staff. We provide the latest information on how trauma affects the developing brain, working memory and interpersonal relation-ships. Our just-in-time interventions have been tested by foster parents working with traumatized youth and can be used in the classroom or counseling office. We will share our tool kit of prevention, early intervention and de-escalation strategies to re-duce emotional reactivity and improve attention and learning. You will leave our workshops with tools to use the next day.

Available Workshops:

Just-in-Time Interventions for Students with Trauma Histories Half Day - Full Day (4 - 6 Hours)
Traumatized youth often show negative or explosive reactions to frustration that are difficult to anticipate and manage in the classroom. If you’ve found
yourself saying, “I didn’t see that coming” or “he just blew up… who knows why,” this workshop will help. Through lecture, video and small group discussion
we will teach strategies that focus on how to prevent, re-focus and de-escalate behaviors and emotions that are interfering with learning. You will leave ready
to use these tools in your classroom.
Trauma Sensitive Schools Learning Collaborative Three Segments (1.5 -2.5 Hours)
This training is designed to complement the busy schedules of educators and provides conceptual learning and coaching on specific challenges. TIES instructors visit the school site to share information on trauma’s effects on the developing brain, just-in-time interventions for the classroom and educator wellness skills. School staff choose 3 dates over several months. Our trainers bring the material to educators during regularly scheduled teacher in-service time. Follow-up coaching is avail-able between sessions from a TIES instructor. The coaching is designed to enhance application of the trauma principles and skills to the real-world challenges of educators.
Trauma Effects on the Developing Brain Half Day (2 -4 Hours)
Most of us know that trauma is bad for the brain and body, but how, exactly, does trauma interfere with student learning and behavior? This workshop will translate current trauma research into useable information for educators in the classroom. You will learn how to differentiate between stress and trauma and also how trauma affects working memory, perception, learning and social relationships. Using the ‘trauma lens,’ we will consider several examples of undesirable student behavior to understand how it may have been shaped by traumatic experiences. Once you understand the impacts of trauma on student learning and behavior, you will have a better idea how to improve it.
Educator Wellness Skills Half Day (2 -4 Hours)
Have you left work tired, stressed and cranky? This workshop will teach/coach mindfulness strategies to manage adult distress and burn-out. By using these well researched mindfulness approaches and eastern contemplative practices, you will learn easy strategies to reduce stress and improve feelings of wellness. These strategies can be practiced throughout the work day for short periods of time to increase calm and a sense of ease. We will discuss how to create wellness intentions, arrange the environment to support wellness
  • Dane CCS
  • Dodge CCS
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Suite A
Middleton, WI 53562
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