
We were happy that our son was able to claim responsibility for his behaviors. The change we have seen has been amazing...
Home / Make a Referral

Make a Referral

Are you ready to make a referral to Community Care Programs?
Please contact our program director Mary Simon. Mary is happy to help you make a referral.
At the time of referral, Mary will request a screening form be completed regarding your client. In
addition, you will be asked to provide background information/history about your client with regard to
school, trauma history, legal issues and past mental health treatment. It is important for us to gather as
much background information as possible to provide an optimal level of treatment. Our goal is to match
your client with the best possible therapist to meet your client’s needs.
Do you need help exploring our services a bit further to determine what will meet the needs of your
client successfully?
Mary is happy to provide a phone consultation prior to a formal referral.
6716 Stone Glen Drive
Suite A
Middleton, WI 53562
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